Here are a few requests that I need help with. Thanks!
Pumpkin Chessecake Search
Denise is looking for a Pumkpin Chessecake Recipe that was in an old Oster Blender cookbook (and it’s not in the Osterizer Cookbook I recently bought). She says it was made in the blender with gelatin.
Anyone Know Lamb’s Tail?
Joy asks: "I am looking for a recipe for something my husband's grandmother made. She called it Lamb's Tail -- it was a biscuit dough type dessert, sort of like Butter Roll (in the South) but I don't know enough to make it. She was from Maine so I assume it's a New England thing. If anyone knows about this, I'd love to hear! My father-in-law has requested that someone make this for him this Christmas.”
In search of a stuffing recipe….
Rae is looking for a stuffing recipe made with bacon, bread, thyme and onions.
Vegetable Chowder Recipe Request from Andrew
“I am looking for a recipe I found several years ago on a message board. It was called Vegetable Chowder. It contained nothing but canned vegetables. I think it had corn, cream of corn, green beans, kidney beans, & stewed tomatoes. I think it had other canned veggies, but I can't remember. I loaned my only copy of this recipe to someone and never got it back. This recipe was not a soup but more like a chowder. I've searched every where on the internet without much luck. I am not a very good cook, so I always try to find super easy recipes and this one was more suitable to my culinary skills. Any help would be greatly appreciated.”
Ernest is looking for the following recipes:
Aron Gulushka
Choruka (in Polish – Kruschi)
He writes these are phonetic spellings and he is also looking for Hungarian baking recipes.
Gerrit in South Africa is asking:
“Do you perhaps know of a recipe for (American) Southern Salt Bread? A friend of mine remembers it from a trip to the USA where he ate this bread in Florida, near Orlando. We have been seaching for it without any success.
I am also keen to learn about a recipe that one can bake in those American cast-iron moulds shaped like small cobs of corn. I have a pan of that kind with 8 small molds in it. Although it is antique I would like to put to the test and taste the bread/cookies for which it was designed."
Thanks for your help!